What is Potassium Sulphate Fertilizer?

Potassium sulfate fertilizer has a crystalline structure and it easily dissolves in water. Potassium deficiency is observed in agricultural soils with heavy rainfall and in agricultural areas with sandy soil structure. Potassium sulfate fertilizer is needed for such soils. Potassium sulfate fertilizer is a very good source of potassium for plants. 

How to Apply Potassium Sulphate Fertilizer?
Yellowing is observed on the leaf margins of plants with potassium deficiency. Loosening occurs in plants that are under water stress.  Therefore, potassium sulfate fertilizer is applied. Certainly, the type of fertilizer changes the type of application while applying potassium sulfate. It is not recommended to apply potassium sulfate fertilizer through leaves. While foliar application of other potassium fertilizers is possible. It can be applied from the leaves by sprinkling on the plant roots and by spraying. It is recommended to use gloves to prevent skin contact.

What are the Benefits of Potassium Sulphate Fertilizer?

  • Potassium sulfate fertilizer can be used in all kinds of agricultural production.
  • Potassium sulfate fertilizer is used in potatoes, tobacco, vegetables and fruits to increase the quality of the products.
  • It enables the plant to withstand heat and cold according to temperature changes.
  • It minimizes the disease possibility of plants.
  • It reduces the water stress of the plant by ensuring economic use of the water by the plants. 
  • It increases the taste and odor of the produced product.
  • It resists fruit fall.
  • It increases the oil ratio of products used in oil production such as olive and sunflower, and ensures that the oil is of higher quality.